Next week is election week! Elections don’t get everyone jazzed but at Clean we get excited about our opportunity to vote. At Clean, we understand the ripple effect choices have and voting is making a choice, hence rippling an effect into the world.
Every choice contributes to a ripple effect. Some choices enhance life and others do not. Our tagline “Make Clean Choices” is more than some mere marketing ploy. To us, making clean choices is a life philosophy. It is the ethos of our business and a daily invitation. To make clean choices is to be aware. Conscious of our shared humanity, our home the Earth, and our shared responsibility to the future.
In America we vote at the ballot box, and we vote with every dollar we spend. Whatever it is we are voting for, having choices like these gives people agency. When people feel like they have agency, they have power. That is why voting is so powerful.
And society is not homogeny. Society is more like your average American wardrobe. There are quite a few different kinds of garments made of different fabrics and different patterns. Each garment has their own history, their own unique care and cleaning requirements, much like people. Some get all the attention and others are mostly ignored. If we lived in a world where everyone had to wear only blue - the same blue and the same fabric and the same cuts – even if it's a nice blue, it would be miserable. If we lived in a world where everyone looked the same and had the same values, histories and needs, that would be miserable too.
Diversity is what makes people interesting, just like color, texture, and pattern make wardrobes interesting. Having the choice to express ourselves through our style and having the choice to express ourselves through a vote for democratic leadership, are each unique privileges not to be squandered in apathy or for comfort.
So, put on some stylish clothes and go vote! Join us and ripple some effect into the world. Vote your values and celebrate your freedom to choose.